In modern business, cyber security has become an indispensable component. As an SME, it is crucial to understand what cyber security entails [link to blog What is cyber security is] and how to protect yourself from digital threats. Especially since SMEs are often targeted due to limited resources compared to large organisations and these companies are also indirectly affected by an attack on your business.
Cyber security includes all practices, technologies and processes designed to protect computer systems, networks and data from cyber attacks, unauthorised access and data theft. A key player in Dutch support of cyber security for SMEs is the Digital Trust Center (DTC), part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change. Wondering how you score on digital security? In this blog, we will tell you more about the DTC and the tools they offer.
The DTC has drawn up the 5 basic principles of secure digital business (Dutch). You can use these basic principles as a guide to get your company’s basic digital security measures in order. In addition, the DTC has developed the basic cyber resilience scan. Using 25 statements, you will discover how your company scores on the five basic principles of secure digital business. There is also a handy action list with helpful instructions and tips for SMEs that want to start cyber security measures, namely the CyberSafe Check.
It is also possible to join the online DTC Community. This is a closed environment and allows member companies to exchange current and relevant information. The DTC also shares relevant general information about cyber threats or vulnerabilities via its news channels and the DTC Community. Finally, company-specific threat information is shared – unsolicited – with individual companies. This allows companies to take quick action to prevent a cyber attack or limit the damage. Read more about receiving threat information.
The DTC not only provides information, self-tests and guidelines, but it has also created a grant scheme to help companies strengthen their digital resilience. From 2018 to 2023, this grant – specifically intended for SMEs up to 50 employees who want to outsource their cyber security – has been paid out. It is not yet clear whether a new grant scheme will be available in 2024. If it is, we will inform you accordingly.
The DTC’s grant scheme enables SMEs to get financial support to implement cyber security measures. This can range from updating antivirus software and implementing firewalls to training employees in awareness. By taking advantage of this grant, you as a company can reduce the cost of cyber security measures while strengthening digital security.
It is important to choose a cyber security partner that not only offers technical expertise but is also aware of the DTC’s grant opportunities. A reliable IT partner can help identify specific risks the company faces, implement appropriate security measures and apply for grants from the DTC. In Compete, you will find this partner. We will be happy to help you identify the risks and determine from there what cyber security measures are needed. Find out more about what we do against cybercrime or contact us.
The Netherlands has an excellent business climate and a strong international competitive position. Digitalisation is an important part of this. A precondition for this is that entrepreneurs are digitally resilient and have their digital security in order. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate therefore established the Digital Trust Centre in 2018.
The DTC’s mission is to make more than 2 million Dutch businesses more resilient against increasing cyber threats. Everything from sole traders to large companies. These are all companies in the Netherlands belonging to the non-vital sectors. Vital sectors, such as banks, telecom, energy, and water companies, have the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as a cooperation partner within the central government.